Osflo Autumn Mix

osflo Fertiliser

Osflo Autumn Mix

Osflo Autumn mix provides a great combination of maintenance nutrient. It also boosts magnesium levels in the soil in preparation for winter and spring.

Osflo Autumn boosts maintenance nutrient levels. It's the perfect way to prepare your soil for winter and spring.

Fertilising your soil and pasture is incredibly important. It jump-starts your pasture for the rest of the growing season. 

It also restores areas of fertility that may have decreased due to nutrients taken from the farm in the form of meat, wool, milk, silage and crops. 

Soil type, topography, stocking rate, future land use, and rainfall all affect soil health. For example, potassium can move quickly through the soil so has a high risk of leaching when rainfall is high. 

The right fertiliser mix will address all these factors, and provide your land exactly the nutrients it needs.

Technical resources

Visit our technical resources page to find out more about deficiencies, knowing your crop and soil structures.

Osflo Autumn Mix

Osflo Fertiliser Analysis

We specialise in making custom blends, which are tailored to ensure you get the right nutrients to optimise your farm performance. We offer a full range of fertiliser additives. Contact us for more available options.

Osflo Autumn Mix
Autumn Mix

All results are reported on “as received basis”.

Fertiliser requirements should be based on soil testing.

Call us today for a soil test and we can help determine which Osflo solution will provide the best results.

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