Osflo Brassica Mix

Osflo Fertiliser

Osflo Brassica Mix

Brassicas are an essential part of the annual feed plan on many farms. They provide high-quality feed when pasture quality and quantity can be lacking. Ensure abundant brassica crops with effective fertiliser management.

Brassica is a fertiliser blend designed specifically for brassica crops. It is high in essential macro elements (NPK) and contains boron.

Brassicas can be sown in spring or autumn for summer or winter grazing.

It’s important to apply boron for bulb crops at sowing time. The most common symptom of boron deficiency is ‘brown heart’ in bulbs, while other crops can show hollowing, browning and rotting of stems.

  • Paddocks that require remediation are often the ones used for cropping
  • Fodder Beet requires a well-planned fertiliser strategy. With the correct nutrient levels, this brassica will thrive and provide good feed

Technical resources

Visit our technical resources page to find out more about deficiencies, knowing your crop and soil structures.

Osflo Brassica Mix

Osflo Fertiliser Analysis

We specialise in making custom blends, which are tailored to ensure you get the right nutrients to optimise your farm performance. We offer a full range of fertiliser additives. Contact us for more available options.

Osflo Fertilisers are some of the most cost effective fertilisers on the market. They are a unique blend of essential nutrients, combined with organic matter, which is beneficial to all farming systems.

Osflo Brassica
Brassica Mix

All results are reported on “as received basis”.

Fertiliser requirements should be based on soil testing.

Call us today for a soil test and we can help determine which Osflo solution will provide the best results.

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